Do you know when you started losing collagen?

Collagen is an important protein produced naturally by our bodies and is essential for maintaining the structure and elasticity of skin, hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, bones and muscles. It is responsible for keeping these structures strong and flexible. However, as we age, our body starts to produce less collagen and consequently we lose it. This can lead to various negative consequences for our health and appearance.


But after all, when did you start losing collagen?

Collagen production naturally begins to decline after the age of 25 and continues to decline over time due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is estimated that collagen production decreases about 1% per year after this age.

In addition, other factors can accelerate collagen loss, such as sun exposure, smoking, diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle and pollution.


Consequences of collagen loss:

1. Wrinkles and fine lines

Collagen loss is one of the main causes of skin aging.When the skin loses collagen, it becomes less elastic and firm, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. These wrinkles and fine lines are mostly evident in areas of the face that are most exposed to the sun, such as, around the eyes and mouth.


2. Skin Flaccidity

Loss of collagen can also cause skin to go saggy. When skin loses collagen, it loses its firmness and elasticity, which causes it to sag. This is especially evident in the neck, arms and legs.


3. Fragility of bones and joints

Collagen is also an important part of our body's bone and cartilaginous structure. When we lose collagen, our bones and joints become more fragile and less flexible. This can lead to problems like osteoporosis and arthritis.


4. Decreased strength and muscle mass

Collagen loss can also affect muscles, as collagen is an important part of the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles.

With age, collagen levels in muscle tissue decline, which can lead to a reduction in muscle strength and lean muscle mass.


5. Weak and brittle nails

Nails are mainly composed of keratin, but collagen is also an important component in their structure. When we lose collagen, our nails become weaker and brittle, which can turn simple tasks like opening a package, a difficult task.


6. Hair loss

Hair is primarily made up of keratin, but collagen also plays an important role in its health and strength. When we lose collagen, hair can become weaker and thinner, which can lead to hair loss.



But how do we prevent collagen loss?

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent collagen loss and minimize its negative effects. Here are some of them:


1. Solar protection

Sun exposure is one of the main factors that accelerate collagen loss. Protecting your skin from UV rays can help prevent collagen loss and minimize the damage it's already done.


2. Healthy eating

A healthy, balanced diet can help keep collagen production at adequate levels.


3. Collagen supplements

Collagen supplements help the body produce collagen. It's important to choose a high-quality collagen supplement and talk to a health care professional.


4. Physical exercise

Physical exercise can help maintain collagen production. Resistance exercise, such as weight lifting, can help stimulate collagen production in muscles and tendons. Additionally, aerobic exercise can improve blood circulation, which can help deliver nutrients and oxygen to collagen-causing tissues.


5. Stress reduction

Excessive stress can lead to an increase in cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can affect collagen production. In addition,stress can increase the production of free radicals, warning that they damage skin cells and accelerate the loss of collagen. Therefore, reducing stress can help prevent collagen loss. Practices such as meditation, yoga, massage, and physical exercise can help reduce stress.


In summary, collagen loss is a natural part of thea ging process, and it is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. While it is not completely possible to prevent collagen loss, it is possible to take steps to slow the process and minimize its negative consequences.

Protecting the skin from UV rays, following a healthy diet, taking collagen supplements, exercising, and reducing stress are some ofthe ways to keep collagen production at adequate levels and maintain a healthy appearance and health.

Vivian Zague
April 13, 2023
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